Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi di Sea Games ke-26

Teknologi yang digunakan di SEA Games ada beberapa, misalnya adalah teknologi pencatat waktu dan teknologi pencegah hujan. Kalau teknologi pencatat waktu masih bisa kita imajinasikan secara logis cara kerjanya, nah yang membuat saya penasaran dan heran adalah dengan cara kerja teknologi pencegah hujan ini, yang akan digunakan agar tidak terjadi hujan ketika SEA Games XXVI berlangsung di Palembang. (walaupun akhirnya ujan juga-_-)

Teknologi Pencegah Hujan
Rupanya teknologi pencegah hujan ini adalah tugas dari Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT). Cara kerjanya ternyata adalah menggunakan 3 buah pesawat, yaitu 2 buah pesawat Casa 212 dan 1 buah pesawat Cesna. Sebenarnya pencegahan hujan dilakukan dengan menggeser awan dan mencegah awan yang berpotensi menimbulkan hujan dengan menaburkan bahan higroskopis kurang dari micron ke dalam sistem awan yang baru muncul.

Awan yang baru muncul tersebut biasanya tersusun atas 100 butir air persentimeter kubik dengan ukuran masing-masing 10 mikron. Ketika ada tambahan uap air, awan akan tumbuh menjadi awan hujan sehingga ukurannya menjadi lebih besar. Disini peran BPPT tersebut, yaitu dengan membuat awan agar tetap stabil.
Seandainya cara ini kurang efektif dan awan masih berkembang menimbulkan potensi awan hujan, maka cara lainnya adalah dengan jumping process atau metode proses lompatan. Cara kerja metode ini adalah memaksa awan segera menjadi hujan supaya tidak terlalu besar dan hujannya nggak deras. Kebalikan dari cara yang pertama, yaitu dengan menaburkan bahan higroskopis berukuran lebih dari 30 mikron.
Teknologi pencegah hujan menggunakan Doppler weather mobile radar untuk mendeteksi pertumbuhan dan pergerakan awan dan ditambah dengan pesawat versi rain making yang memiliki GPS serta mampu membawa bahan semai berdasarkan target. Kemudian peralatan canggih lainnya, seperti Automatic Weather Station, pemeriksa suhu dan iklim dan lainnya. Satu hal yang saya ingin tanya? Berapa biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk semua teknologi pencegah hujan ini ya?
Panita Pelaksana SEA Games XXVI Indonesia (InaSOC) bekerjasama dengan PT Maxxima mengoperasikan sistem pencatatan waktu dan skor di beberapa venues secara optimal sehingga diharapkan tidak ada kesalahan sekecil apapun dalam menghitung.

Teknologi Pencatat Waktu
Teknologi pencatatan waktu di SEA Games XXVI sangatlah penting, diusahakan agar teknologi yang digunakan dapat setara dengan level olimpiade yang menggunakan Swiss Timing Omega. Dengan teknologi Swiss Timing Omenga dapat memberikan informasi mengenai waktu dan skor pertandingan secara detail, jelas dan real time.

Metode proses lompatan (jumping process)
Metode ini digunakan seandainya metode stabilitas awan kurang efektif dan awan masih berpotensi menimbulkan hujan. Cara kerja metode ini kebalikan dari metode stabilitas awan, dimana dalam metode ini akan ditaburkan bahan higroskopis lebih dari 30 mikron sehingga memaksa awan yang baru tumbuh tersebut untuk segera menjadi hujan agar curah hujannya tidak terlalu besar.

Itulah tiga dari sekian banyak teknologi canggih yang digunakan di ajang SEA Games XXVI tahun ini. Mari kita turut berpartisipasi mendukung pelaksanaan SEA Games. Semoga Indonesia keluar menjadi Juara Umum Sea Games XXVI dengan meraih sebanyak-banyaknya medali emas ya. Kita juga bisa dukung Indonesia melalui Fanpage SEA Games XXVI, Indonesia Juara. Baca : Fakta Unik dan Menarik Tentang SEA Games 2011 dan Sejarah Sea Games (Pesta Olahraga Asia Tenggara).

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

TIK's Project "AMT"

Hello! I have to do my work here.
So... dear Bu Tina, this is my story!

Last weekend, I went to Sukabumi with DezoitoForca. The named of the event is "The Raising Sun" but we called it Achievement Motivation Training or AMT. IT WAS FANTASTIC!
The AMT prepare us to get ready for the National Exam in April soon and to make sure what we gonna do in the future. Its more like where are you going for the high school and what we going to be in the future. There were a lot of Motivation and fantastic people shared their experience.
Well, AMT has happened for 3 days, started from October 27th-29th 2011.

October 27th 2011
First, there was Diagnostic Test in the morning. The diagnostic test purpose to classify the classes where we belong in additional classes to discuss the subject that there will be in the national exam or pendalaman materi (PM).
The first test is Bahasa Indonesia, that was okay.
The second is Math, ughh I didn't make a great effort here..
The third is English, that was FAILED. (Okay, its just failed for me because I got 56 for score...)
Fourth is Science, and it was not bad but I don't get the score as my target.
After we did the diagnostic test, we got some free food! yipppeey! (okay its not important). Actually we went to Auditorium to met some alumni of SMP Labschool Jakarta which now they have a good career in their life.

They have a great career and all of them have the perfect life. On the left side is Aufar (he's Olla Ramlan's boyfriend!!) he's a successful young entrepreneur in Indonesia and the chief of the entrepreneur organization or something, I forgot..
Next is Senandung Nacita, she's a news host. She's reallyyyyy beautiful.
Then...Oh my I forgot her name...the fact, she's a doctor...
Finally, there he is!! Kak Naya! He's the coolest, the cleverest person from the other. He gave so many advices and he shared a lot of his own life experiences. He've worked on Barbie! factory anyway! But now, he's a banker.He gave some cool quotes and give me more motivation to achieve my lifetime's goals.

October 28th 2011
I came late... I thought all of student were in the bus. But in the fact, they haven't get Apel yet-_-hey this is me and dita while in the bus! Hahaha
We had Apel and then we went by bus at 7.00 am and we arrived at 8.30 am. Then, the first material has started. The first materials was by Super Great Memory. That was great. The motivator taught us how to make an easily-completely-functionally- mainmap. The mainmap is helping us for how to study quickly and stay in our brain for a while. I think the mainmap is effective and good consider for sistem kebut semalam or SKS.
After we made our own mainmap, the boys were having shalat jumat, and the girls were having lunch. After that, we had a motivation training from an amazing person! He was DIK DOANK!
HAHAHAHA! We were got excited anywayysss...-___-

FYI, I think... He is BRILLIANT. He came around and gave us many motivations, and he shared some expereinces that rarely from ordinary people like me. He told his own funny stories.. how he could be like this. He teaches us to be grateful for who we are right now. Cause we're lucky. There so many people can't get enough education. So many schools that have to get more attention from our government.. There are so many school were unfit for their students. But people have to learn. They have to study. And school is a place to learn and study for those people who want to get a better and colorful life. Anyway, we don't just get a academic lesson from school. We can develop our non-academic talents. But one requirement, never be afraid to try. Oh thanks to you Dik Doank, I've learned a lots from you..
He taught us to grateful by rain. And many more lessons.. Thank you :)

After Dik Doank's materials, there's two more motivations by Mr. Aris Ahmadjaya and Mr. Aris 2 (I forget his name, the fact his name is Aris too). Well, the third motivation is by Aris Ahmadjaya was fun and we were excited. But, when the second Aris gave his materials, we were boring.

October 29th 2011
That day was amazing! In the morning the boys were swimming. The girls were watching them and it was fun too! Actually, I really want to get in to the pool, but....hahaha in the pool was marked by "BOYS ONLY" and I just laughed and watched.
We prepared our stuffs and then we went to the Aula where the material continued.
We made the "Proposal Hidup". In the proposal, we decided where we going after we've finished the Junior High. Started from Senior High, then to College, and what we will give for our parents in the future. I was crying while I wrote my proposal. And my cries were bigger when the renungan started. Hahaha. Anyway, The AMT is the last event for DezoitoForca :(
But, I'll never forget what I've learned from AMT.

Thank you :)