Today is friday. Yeah my favorite day in a week.
I think that word is the best key-expression to describing this day.
I went to Tebet, after photography with Nandita. We were walking around to find the match cloth for her class. Btw, I wore the new t-shirt class for run this morning. and half-of-my-class wore it proudly. I'm so glad of that :)
Anyway, after we visited some factory-outlet at tebet, we found the match cloth for her class in Bloops.
I didn't want to wasted a lot of my time for nothing. So, I bought a shirt-_- Nandita too. She bought the cloth 30s well, i didn't understand what she bought-_-
After 2 hours, we leaved Bloops and we went to 7eleven tebet. I bought small slurpee and she bought tempura seaweed. We talked about everything on the way to my house. She'll wait for her sister in my house. So, we went to my house.
We were browsing for 4 hours. We found out the fact! HaHaHa browsing was very fun! Huahahaks!
The show time at 11.30pm ritenow. I'm so sleepy but I'm so lazy for sleep-_- tomorrow I'll go to somewhere with my friends (I wish). Well, I think too much dreaming isn't good. I won't realize something(maybe important) if I don't want wake up from my long-beautiful dreams. So, wish me luck and wish I can realize the fact! If you don't understand what I mean, you shouldn't to understand. Let it flow and let it go.
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