Monday, March 28, 2011

Not in the mood

well, I'm on my second day for holiday and I feel bore but I enjoy it-_- I don't know why by the way.
Dania called me in the morning, she said she want to go to my house. But I'm sorry cause I'm so sleepy. I'm really sleepy at that moment and I'm not in the good mood today. I'M SORRY DANIAAA!

Yesterday, I went to GI with dita, vito, raka, and sandi. Vito treated us mr. curry and 1 hour for karaoke. It was really fun! I can't stopped laugh when raka sang cindai and some Indonesian songs. HAHAHA. Well, the worst voice is mine-_- I can't stand of singing or music. So, start from april, I'll take a lesson for guitar. 3 years ago, I took a lesson for keyboard and it was working for 2 years. But, I'm still bad for playing keyboard-____- After we got enough for karaoke, I bought haagen dazs (I've treated vito 60% for it) and then we went to gramedia. Raka and dita went home together and sandi follow us to gramed. I bought the sequel of dork diaries and then we left gramed. Sandi bought a starbucks's coffee while me and vito were going to sour sally. After that, we went home together by taxi and vito spilled the yogurt-_- WHAT A WONDERFUL...... We got panic and the yogurt spread in vito's shoes. I and sandi was like "I don't care about your shoes, I care about the yogurt". Fortunately, the taxi driver was really really nice and he helped us to clean the yogurt.

HHHHH, yesterday I was looking for Perfect Blue at the cd stores and there's no one sell it. It's an album by Sungha Jung. I really want it so bad but I don't think the album has been release in Indonesia. If I buy from the web, it would be little difficult. AAAAAA I want his album :"(

I was eating vanilla chocochip with grilled bread when I posted this post. Hmm yummy:) but I've eating A LOTS today:( Ahhh I hate holiday, I can have a lot of additional weights-_- by the way, I've done for the sequel of dorks diaries. THAT'S GREAAAAAT!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dork Diaries

I'm still love Sungha Jung till'this time.
He's really damn cool boy!! He was inspiring me to learn how to play the guitar. Thanks for him! I hope he would be happy because he inspired people (include me) to play the guitar. Watching him on YouTube everyday make me feel better. He's my mood booster wakakak. Wish me luck for the guitar and I hope he'd happy become my idol-_-

GAAAAHH I wish he probably has a concert in Jakarta :(

Well, yesterday I went to GrandIndo and I bought "Dork Diaries" the cover tells about tales from a NOT SO fabulous life. Hahaha uhyeah! The story is about Nikki J. Maxwell. She's a loser in her new middle school. And she had a-mean girl-friend, her name is MacKenzie. The story tells about new school, new mean girl, new crush, and new diary. So you can read that book. That's great book! Perhaps, I'll buy the sequel of dork diaries tomorrow.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Je t'aime

Hey, I just knew my score for this term. Well, not bad. But I should more do exercise and do well in all of the project. I'm little bit lazy for do the exercise that teachers gave it to me.

Now, it's friday and I have 7 days off for school. Because, my senior'll have an exam for a week. Hhhh I don't know it's good or bad news. Good news is I have a holiday. Bad news is I don't know what I'll do in this holiday.
Maybe I'll watch some videos from youtube or browsing internet like I used to during holiday. I wish my friends ask me out or something for this holiday. Perhaps, I'll do the script for drama. My class have to do the drama for bahasa indonesia's project. And I'm the director or sutradara-whatever you call it-_-


I'm tired of being someone who leading all stuff... Maybe not ALL but ALMOST ALL-gue ketua kelas juga asal lo tau dan itu ngeselin. Why they don't pick another guy who want to do this? Argh-_-

Well, I've reading Eiffel... I'm In Love (novel) by Rachmania Arunita (kalo gak salah) that's great book! And the movie was really great! My favorite part is when Adit and Tita in front of the Eiffel Tower and they said "Je t'aime" it means "I Love You" oh gosh, Adit is really romantic guy. And the character of Tita is cute (well, she's really annoying sometimes).


Who's Sungha Jung?

Seongha Jeong (정성하) (colloquially: Sungha Jung) (born September 2, 1996) is a South Korean prodigy guitarist who has risen to fame on YouTubeand other sites, mainly through the South Korean audience.

Seongha typically takes three days to learn and practice a new song, and video-record it for upload onto YouTube.[1] His genre selection is rather broad, as he learns and plays many songs that are playable on guitar, therefore consequently spread across numerous genres.

Seongha has won 13 awards on YouTube, including 6 "#1" awards. Also on YouTube, Seongha has 38 videos with over one million views. Seongha's video with the most views is the "Pirates Of The Caribbean", at 15,319,305 views as of March 21, 2011.

Seongha has composed 18 songs as of February 2011, two of which are featured in his debut album, Perfect Blue.

Lately, Seongha has been performing together with Mr. Big.[1] He is currently on tour with Trace Bundy.

HAHAHAHAHA maaf ye ga gue edit dulu males-_-

So, Sungha's fingerstyle guitarist. He's really cool! And his plays is really awesome! I love when he plays "Grenade" by Bruno Mars. I want to upload the video but it would be take some time. Ha Ha Ha because the video size is quite big. Hmm 85mb. If you want to see this video, you can visit youtube and search "Grenade sungha jung"
So, I'll upload one of his video. He played To Be With You - Mr. Big

Hold on little girl
Show me what he's done to you
Stand up little girl
A broken heart can't be that bad
When it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you

I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you

Build up your confidence
So you can be on top for once
wake up who cares about
Little boys that talk too much
I've seen it all go down
Your game of love was all rained out
So come on baby, come on over
Let me be the one to hold you


Why be alone when we can be together baby
You can make my life worthwhile
And I can make you start to smile

When it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you

Friday, March 18, 2011

Vito's Birthday!

Well, he's nice. But he always shout at me all the time!!!!!! And he is..................freak and..... he's really really annoying! But he still my friend. He lost his girlfriend at 14th February, ugh in Valentine's Day right? And he broke up cause such a tragedy. Hmm infact, his relation life such a tragedy. Oh Vito...... be patient, amigo!

I made this!!

Edited by: Ichaisha and Mariskaslmt

By: Ichaaaaa!!


What the hell is it march?

It's like so long without a post. Yeah suddenly, I woke up from my long long long sleep. Ha ha ha kidding dude! So? What's the matter? Hmm... THERE'S SO MANY PROBLEMS I HAVE IN THIS PERIOD!

Well, 3 weeks ago, I was preparing my paper. It's called karya tulis. My paper is about Midbrain. Yeah It's very difficult to found the references about midbrain in Bahasa cause in Indonesia, midbrain just has knew in the end of 2009. So I went to bookstore to found some books about midbrain.
I have the presentation about my paper one week later. And heeeee I'm very very very so so so "NIAT" for do this project! HAHAHA actually, I'm not the student who love presentation or the projects something like that, but I like to do FULL with MY OWN POWER! So, this is just for me, why don't do this for the best?

Am I selfish? Who doesn't? Everyone wants to be the best if it could happen right? But it should happen with the right way. NO CHEATING!

Well, jauh sebelum gue sidang kartul tepatnya tanggal 11 februari 2011, gue "disadarkan" sama icha tentang sesuatu hal yang membuat gue "agak-agak" gimana gitu sama seseorang. Mungkin lebih tepatnya sih ilfeel kali ya.
Yaaaa buat pake perumpamaan aja misalnya:

A dan B bersahabat baik. Lalu A suka sama C. C suka sama B. Dan A gatau (lebih tepatnya ditipu) sama B. Padahal B udah punya pacar. Dan C juga udah punya pacar. Yaudahlah teenage life memang unpredictable...... Pokoknya secara garis besar intinya begitu. Dan sekarang B ama C jadian dan pacar2 mereka (oiya skrg udh jadi mantan) dan mantan-mantan mereka saling curhat. Terus si A suka nangis-nangis kalo ngeliat B ama C. Dan menurut pengelihatan gue si B cuma merasa bersalah sehari. Setelah itu udah... B doesn't feeling guilty, even the smallest part.