It's like so long without a post. Yeah suddenly, I woke up from my long long long sleep. Ha ha ha kidding dude! So? What's the matter? Hmm... THERE'S SO MANY PROBLEMS I HAVE IN THIS PERIOD!
Well, 3 weeks ago, I was preparing my paper. It's called karya tulis. My paper is about Midbrain. Yeah It's very difficult to found the references about midbrain in Bahasa cause in Indonesia, midbrain just has knew in the end of 2009. So I went to bookstore to found some books about midbrain.
I have the presentation about my paper one week later. And heeeee I'm very very very so so so "NIAT" for do this project! HAHAHA actually, I'm not the student who love presentation or the projects something like that, but I like to do FULL with MY OWN POWER! So, this is just for me, why don't do this for the best?
Am I selfish? Who doesn't? Everyone wants to be the best if it could happen right? But it should happen with the right way. NO CHEATING!
Well, jauh sebelum gue sidang kartul tepatnya tanggal 11 februari 2011, gue "disadarkan" sama icha tentang sesuatu hal yang membuat gue "agak-agak" gimana gitu sama seseorang. Mungkin lebih tepatnya sih ilfeel kali ya.
Yaaaa buat pake perumpamaan aja misalnya:
A dan B bersahabat baik. Lalu A suka sama C. C suka sama B. Dan A gatau (lebih tepatnya ditipu) sama B. Padahal B udah punya pacar. Dan C juga udah punya pacar. Yaudahlah teenage life memang unpredictable...... Pokoknya secara garis besar intinya begitu. Dan sekarang B ama C jadian dan pacar2 mereka (oiya skrg udh jadi mantan) dan mantan-mantan mereka saling curhat. Terus si A suka nangis-nangis kalo ngeliat B ama C. Dan menurut pengelihatan gue si B cuma merasa bersalah sehari. Setelah itu udah... B doesn't feeling guilty, even the smallest part.
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