Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dork Diaries

I'm still love Sungha Jung till'this time.
He's really damn cool boy!! He was inspiring me to learn how to play the guitar. Thanks for him! I hope he would be happy because he inspired people (include me) to play the guitar. Watching him on YouTube everyday make me feel better. He's my mood booster wakakak. Wish me luck for the guitar and I hope he'd happy become my idol-_-

GAAAAHH I wish he probably has a concert in Jakarta :(

Well, yesterday I went to GrandIndo and I bought "Dork Diaries" the cover tells about tales from a NOT SO fabulous life. Hahaha uhyeah! The story is about Nikki J. Maxwell. She's a loser in her new middle school. And she had a-mean girl-friend, her name is MacKenzie. The story tells about new school, new mean girl, new crush, and new diary. So you can read that book. That's great book! Perhaps, I'll buy the sequel of dork diaries tomorrow.

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