Monday, March 28, 2011

Not in the mood

well, I'm on my second day for holiday and I feel bore but I enjoy it-_- I don't know why by the way.
Dania called me in the morning, she said she want to go to my house. But I'm sorry cause I'm so sleepy. I'm really sleepy at that moment and I'm not in the good mood today. I'M SORRY DANIAAA!

Yesterday, I went to GI with dita, vito, raka, and sandi. Vito treated us mr. curry and 1 hour for karaoke. It was really fun! I can't stopped laugh when raka sang cindai and some Indonesian songs. HAHAHA. Well, the worst voice is mine-_- I can't stand of singing or music. So, start from april, I'll take a lesson for guitar. 3 years ago, I took a lesson for keyboard and it was working for 2 years. But, I'm still bad for playing keyboard-____- After we got enough for karaoke, I bought haagen dazs (I've treated vito 60% for it) and then we went to gramedia. Raka and dita went home together and sandi follow us to gramed. I bought the sequel of dork diaries and then we left gramed. Sandi bought a starbucks's coffee while me and vito were going to sour sally. After that, we went home together by taxi and vito spilled the yogurt-_- WHAT A WONDERFUL...... We got panic and the yogurt spread in vito's shoes. I and sandi was like "I don't care about your shoes, I care about the yogurt". Fortunately, the taxi driver was really really nice and he helped us to clean the yogurt.

HHHHH, yesterday I was looking for Perfect Blue at the cd stores and there's no one sell it. It's an album by Sungha Jung. I really want it so bad but I don't think the album has been release in Indonesia. If I buy from the web, it would be little difficult. AAAAAA I want his album :"(

I was eating vanilla chocochip with grilled bread when I posted this post. Hmm yummy:) but I've eating A LOTS today:( Ahhh I hate holiday, I can have a lot of additional weights-_- by the way, I've done for the sequel of dorks diaries. THAT'S GREAAAAAT!!!

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