Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Can't smile

You know I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you

I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm finding it hard to do anything

You see I feel sad
When you're sad
I feel glad
When you're glad

If you only knew
What I'm going through

I just can't smile
Without you...

You came along
Just like a song
And brightened my day

Who'd a believe
That you were part of my dream
Now it all seems
Light years away

Now some people say happiness take so very long to find
Well I'm finding it hard leaving your love behind me and you see I

That wasn't just a song, that also the opinion of some people who have meet someone who have changed their life. I don't know. I love this song for no reason. Well, the moments-when he is not here-are the hardest parts for me..since I met him.
Well, I didn't change and you didn't change either, the only thing that changed is this situation.
Might be I can life without you but you know I can't smile without you:p

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi di Sea Games ke-26

Teknologi yang digunakan di SEA Games ada beberapa, misalnya adalah teknologi pencatat waktu dan teknologi pencegah hujan. Kalau teknologi pencatat waktu masih bisa kita imajinasikan secara logis cara kerjanya, nah yang membuat saya penasaran dan heran adalah dengan cara kerja teknologi pencegah hujan ini, yang akan digunakan agar tidak terjadi hujan ketika SEA Games XXVI berlangsung di Palembang. (walaupun akhirnya ujan juga-_-)

Teknologi Pencegah Hujan
Rupanya teknologi pencegah hujan ini adalah tugas dari Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT). Cara kerjanya ternyata adalah menggunakan 3 buah pesawat, yaitu 2 buah pesawat Casa 212 dan 1 buah pesawat Cesna. Sebenarnya pencegahan hujan dilakukan dengan menggeser awan dan mencegah awan yang berpotensi menimbulkan hujan dengan menaburkan bahan higroskopis kurang dari micron ke dalam sistem awan yang baru muncul.

Awan yang baru muncul tersebut biasanya tersusun atas 100 butir air persentimeter kubik dengan ukuran masing-masing 10 mikron. Ketika ada tambahan uap air, awan akan tumbuh menjadi awan hujan sehingga ukurannya menjadi lebih besar. Disini peran BPPT tersebut, yaitu dengan membuat awan agar tetap stabil.
Seandainya cara ini kurang efektif dan awan masih berkembang menimbulkan potensi awan hujan, maka cara lainnya adalah dengan jumping process atau metode proses lompatan. Cara kerja metode ini adalah memaksa awan segera menjadi hujan supaya tidak terlalu besar dan hujannya nggak deras. Kebalikan dari cara yang pertama, yaitu dengan menaburkan bahan higroskopis berukuran lebih dari 30 mikron.
Teknologi pencegah hujan menggunakan Doppler weather mobile radar untuk mendeteksi pertumbuhan dan pergerakan awan dan ditambah dengan pesawat versi rain making yang memiliki GPS serta mampu membawa bahan semai berdasarkan target. Kemudian peralatan canggih lainnya, seperti Automatic Weather Station, pemeriksa suhu dan iklim dan lainnya. Satu hal yang saya ingin tanya? Berapa biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk semua teknologi pencegah hujan ini ya?
Panita Pelaksana SEA Games XXVI Indonesia (InaSOC) bekerjasama dengan PT Maxxima mengoperasikan sistem pencatatan waktu dan skor di beberapa venues secara optimal sehingga diharapkan tidak ada kesalahan sekecil apapun dalam menghitung.

Teknologi Pencatat Waktu
Teknologi pencatatan waktu di SEA Games XXVI sangatlah penting, diusahakan agar teknologi yang digunakan dapat setara dengan level olimpiade yang menggunakan Swiss Timing Omega. Dengan teknologi Swiss Timing Omenga dapat memberikan informasi mengenai waktu dan skor pertandingan secara detail, jelas dan real time.

Metode proses lompatan (jumping process)
Metode ini digunakan seandainya metode stabilitas awan kurang efektif dan awan masih berpotensi menimbulkan hujan. Cara kerja metode ini kebalikan dari metode stabilitas awan, dimana dalam metode ini akan ditaburkan bahan higroskopis lebih dari 30 mikron sehingga memaksa awan yang baru tumbuh tersebut untuk segera menjadi hujan agar curah hujannya tidak terlalu besar.

Itulah tiga dari sekian banyak teknologi canggih yang digunakan di ajang SEA Games XXVI tahun ini. Mari kita turut berpartisipasi mendukung pelaksanaan SEA Games. Semoga Indonesia keluar menjadi Juara Umum Sea Games XXVI dengan meraih sebanyak-banyaknya medali emas ya. Kita juga bisa dukung Indonesia melalui Fanpage SEA Games XXVI, Indonesia Juara. Baca : Fakta Unik dan Menarik Tentang SEA Games 2011 dan Sejarah Sea Games (Pesta Olahraga Asia Tenggara).

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

TIK's Project "AMT"

Hello! I have to do my work here.
So... dear Bu Tina, this is my story!

Last weekend, I went to Sukabumi with DezoitoForca. The named of the event is "The Raising Sun" but we called it Achievement Motivation Training or AMT. IT WAS FANTASTIC!
The AMT prepare us to get ready for the National Exam in April soon and to make sure what we gonna do in the future. Its more like where are you going for the high school and what we going to be in the future. There were a lot of Motivation and fantastic people shared their experience.
Well, AMT has happened for 3 days, started from October 27th-29th 2011.

October 27th 2011
First, there was Diagnostic Test in the morning. The diagnostic test purpose to classify the classes where we belong in additional classes to discuss the subject that there will be in the national exam or pendalaman materi (PM).
The first test is Bahasa Indonesia, that was okay.
The second is Math, ughh I didn't make a great effort here..
The third is English, that was FAILED. (Okay, its just failed for me because I got 56 for score...)
Fourth is Science, and it was not bad but I don't get the score as my target.
After we did the diagnostic test, we got some free food! yipppeey! (okay its not important). Actually we went to Auditorium to met some alumni of SMP Labschool Jakarta which now they have a good career in their life.

They have a great career and all of them have the perfect life. On the left side is Aufar (he's Olla Ramlan's boyfriend!!) he's a successful young entrepreneur in Indonesia and the chief of the entrepreneur organization or something, I forgot..
Next is Senandung Nacita, she's a news host. She's reallyyyyy beautiful.
Then...Oh my I forgot her name...the fact, she's a doctor...
Finally, there he is!! Kak Naya! He's the coolest, the cleverest person from the other. He gave so many advices and he shared a lot of his own life experiences. He've worked on Barbie! factory anyway! But now, he's a banker.He gave some cool quotes and give me more motivation to achieve my lifetime's goals.

October 28th 2011
I came late... I thought all of student were in the bus. But in the fact, they haven't get Apel yet-_-hey this is me and dita while in the bus! Hahaha
We had Apel and then we went by bus at 7.00 am and we arrived at 8.30 am. Then, the first material has started. The first materials was by Super Great Memory. That was great. The motivator taught us how to make an easily-completely-functionally- mainmap. The mainmap is helping us for how to study quickly and stay in our brain for a while. I think the mainmap is effective and good consider for sistem kebut semalam or SKS.
After we made our own mainmap, the boys were having shalat jumat, and the girls were having lunch. After that, we had a motivation training from an amazing person! He was DIK DOANK!
HAHAHAHA! We were got excited anywayysss...-___-

FYI, I think... He is BRILLIANT. He came around and gave us many motivations, and he shared some expereinces that rarely from ordinary people like me. He told his own funny stories.. how he could be like this. He teaches us to be grateful for who we are right now. Cause we're lucky. There so many people can't get enough education. So many schools that have to get more attention from our government.. There are so many school were unfit for their students. But people have to learn. They have to study. And school is a place to learn and study for those people who want to get a better and colorful life. Anyway, we don't just get a academic lesson from school. We can develop our non-academic talents. But one requirement, never be afraid to try. Oh thanks to you Dik Doank, I've learned a lots from you..
He taught us to grateful by rain. And many more lessons.. Thank you :)

After Dik Doank's materials, there's two more motivations by Mr. Aris Ahmadjaya and Mr. Aris 2 (I forget his name, the fact his name is Aris too). Well, the third motivation is by Aris Ahmadjaya was fun and we were excited. But, when the second Aris gave his materials, we were boring.

October 29th 2011
That day was amazing! In the morning the boys were swimming. The girls were watching them and it was fun too! Actually, I really want to get in to the pool, but....hahaha in the pool was marked by "BOYS ONLY" and I just laughed and watched.
We prepared our stuffs and then we went to the Aula where the material continued.
We made the "Proposal Hidup". In the proposal, we decided where we going after we've finished the Junior High. Started from Senior High, then to College, and what we will give for our parents in the future. I was crying while I wrote my proposal. And my cries were bigger when the renungan started. Hahaha. Anyway, The AMT is the last event for DezoitoForca :(
But, I'll never forget what I've learned from AMT.

Thank you :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

спокойной ночи, я тебя люблю

hallo salam super :)
yap, semua yang ada di dunia ini katanya sih "titipan" karena bakalan diambil lagi sama Allah nantinya. kalo gitu disetiap doa gue pasti gue bersyukur "Ya Allah terimakasih karena kau telah menitipkan orangtua yang menyayangi saya, dan telah mengenalkan dia yang bisa saya sayangi". Dan terimakasih kepada hari ini karena dia telah memberikan pengalaman yang baru buat gue. Dia memperkenalkan sesuatu yang belum gue kenal. Dia membuka mata gue bahwa hidup bukan cuma ini ini aja. Dia adalah dia.. yang disini gausah gue sebut namanya karena gue yakin udah pada tau.
Gue suka ngerasa takut. takut kalo dia pergi ninggalin gue... jujur aja bukannya gimanagimana tp temen2 gue pada punya pengalaman kayak gitu. diselingkuhin. ditinggalin. mereka nangis kayak orang apa tau.. gue shock sendiri ngeliatnya. jujur aja gue takut itu terjadi sama diri gue sendiri.. jujur aja gue takut banget. dan HAMPIR semua temen deket gue kyk gitu men.... gue jadi parno sendiri-_- lanjut lagi ye. dia ngebuka semuanya. dia nunjukkin apa yang belom gue tau..
sedangkan gue apa?
gue ngerasa useless banget ya jujur aja.
gabisa ngapa2in kayaknya gak guna banget. ngehibur aja kadang gabisa..sedangkan dia......
gue gatau kalo ditinggal dia jadi apa gue...

he came and changed everything..

oia, lo pd tau cerita cinta mario teguh ga? kalo belom pd tau ya sabar aja ya tinggal search aja di google. tp kalo udah ini nih bagian bagian favorite gua..

Tuhan memberikan kita dua buah kaki untuk berjalan
Dua tangan untuk memegang
Dua telinga untuk mendengar
Dan dua mata untuk melihat
Tetapi mengapa Tuhan hanya menganugerahkan
sekeping hati kepada kita?
Karena Tuhan telah memberikan sekeping hati lagi
kepada seseorang untuk kita mencarinya

Cinta datang kepada orang yang masih mempunyai harapan
Walaupun mereka telah dikecewakan
Kepada mereka yang masih percaya
Walaupun mereka telah dikhianati
Kepada mereka yang masih ingin mencintai
Walaupun mereka telah disakiti sebelumnya dan
Kepada mereka yang mempunyai keberanian dan
keyakinan untuk membangun kembali kepercayaan

Hal yang menyedihkan dalam hidup
Adalah ketika kita bertemu seseorang yang sangat
berarti bagi kita
Hanya untuk menemukan bahwa pada akhirnya
menjadi tidak berarti
Dan kita harus membiarkannya pergi

Cinta sebenarnya adalah membiarkan orang yang kita
cintai menjadi dirinya sendiri
Dan tidak merubahnya seperti gambaran yang kita inginkan
Jika tidak, kita hanya mencintai pantulan diri kita
sendiri yang kita temukan dari dalam dirinya

Bercinta memang mudah
Untuk dicintai juga memang mudah
Tapi untuk dicintai oleh orang yang kita cintai itulah yang sukar diperoleh

Jika saja kehadiran cinta sekedar untuk mengecewakan
Lebih baik cinta itu tak pernah hadir
Karena cinta sesuatu yang membawa keindahan dan
kebahagiaan didalamnya

Jangan pernah bilang “I Love You” kalau kita tidak pernah peduli
Jangan pernah membicarakan perasaan yang tidak pernah ada
Jangan pernah menyentuh hidup seseorang kalau hal itu untuk menghancurkan hatinya
Jangan pernah menatap matanya kalau semua yang
dilakukan kita hanya untuk berbohong

Hal paling kejam yang seseorang lakukan kepada
orang lain
Adalah membiarkannya jatuh cinta
Sementara kita tidak menerima untuk menangkapnya

Cinta bukan “ini salah kamu” tapi “maafkan aku”
Bukan “kamu dimana sih” tapi “aku disini”
Bukan “gimana sih kamu” tapi “aku ngerti ko”
Bukan “coba kamu ngga kayak gini” tapi “aku cinta
kamu seperti kamu apa adanya

Memang sakit melihat orang yang kita cintai sedang
berbahagia dengan orang lain
Tapi lebih sakit lagi kalau orang yang kita cintai itu
tidak berbahagia bersama kita
Cinta akan menyakitkan ketika kita berpisah dengan
Lebih menyakitkan apabila kita dilupakan oleh
Tapi cinta akan lebih menyakitkan lagi apabila
seseorang yang kita sayangi tidak tahu apa yang
sesungguhnya kita rasakan
Yang paling menyedihkan dalam hidup ini adalah
menemukan seseorang dan jatuh cinta
Hanya untuk menemukan bahwa dia bukan untuk kita
Dan kita sudah menghabiskan waktu yang banyak
untuk orang yang tidak pernah menghargainya

Cinta memang tak harus memiliki
Karena mencintai berarti memberi tak pernah meminta..

Ya Allah terimakasih karena kau mengenalkan dia kepada saya..

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I love you

AfrikaansEk is lief vir jou!
AlbanianTe dua!
ArabicOhiboke (m to f), Nohiboka (f to m, or m to m)
ArmenianYes kez si'rumem!
BasqueMaite zaitut!
BengaliAmi tomake bahlobashi!
BosnianVolim te!
BulgarianObicham te!
CreoleMi aime jou!
CroatianVolim te!
CzechMiluji tev!
DanishJeg elsker dig!
DutchIk hou van je!
EnglishI love you!
EsperantoMi amas vin!
EstonianMina armastan sind!
FarsiTora dost daram!
FilipinoIniibig kita!
Finnish(Mä) rakastan sua!
FrenchJe t'aime!
FrisianIk hald fan dei!
GermanIch liebe dich!
GujaratiHoon tane pyar karoochhoon! tane chaahuN chhuN!
HawaiianAloha wau ia 'oe!
HebrewAnee ohev otakh (m to f), Anee ohevet otkha (f to m), Anee ohev otkha (m to m), Anee ohevet otakh (f to f)
HindiMai tumase pyar karata hun (m to f), Mai tumase pyar karati hun (f to m)
IcelandicEg elska thig!
IndonesianSaya cinta padamu!
Irisht'a gr'a agam dhuit!
ItalianTi amo!
JapaneseKimi o ai shiteru!
KoreanDangsinul saranghee yo!
LatinTe amo!
LatvianEs tevi milu!
LithuanianAs tave myliu!
MalaysianSaya cintamu!
MandarinWo ai ni!
MarshalleseYokwe Yuk!
NorwegianJeg elsker deg!
PolishKocham ciebie!
PortugueseEu te amo!
RomanianTe iubesc!
RussianYa tyebya lyublyu!
Sanskrittwayi snihyaami
SerbianVolim te!
SlovakLubim ta!
SlovenianLjubim te!
SpanishTe amo!
SwedishJag älskar dig!
TagalogMahal kita!
ThaiPhom rug khun (Male speaker) Chan rug khun (Female speaker)
TurkishSeni seviyorum!
UkrainianYa tebe kokhayu!
UrduMain tumse muhabbat karta hoon!
VietnameseAnh yeu em (m to f), Em yeu an (f to m)
WelshRwy'n dy garu di!
YiddishKh'hob dikh lib!

For you... I dont know what to say except... I love you..

Thursday, September 29, 2011



I hate being selfish. But i cant take this anymore. I MISS YOU SO BAD :( truly I am..
I wish you were here..
hear my silly's stories, laughin, share flashback stories, and....
I never imagine that I really need someone to give me a huge hug and said "dont worry". Well its really like a tumblr's stories, I WAS hate the-tumblr-of-tears. But now, i understand, they were right, I need somebody to love... I've found him... and i'm afraid he'll leave. I'm afraid scared or anything that have the same mean..


yah gimana yah, takut aja. secara dia oke-_- wakakak. gue ksl bgt hari ini chatnya bentar doang:'( sinyal gue jelek banget sialan emang ya. terus gue sedih karena ga chat terus gue bete terus gue kesel POKOKNYA GUE BERANTAKAN GA ADA LO. TANGGUNG JAWAB DONG.

and for the fuckin provider of my phone, GET LOST! I HATE USIN U FOR A LONG TIME. I'M SICK OF U AND ALL OF UR FUCKIN STUFFS.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


What three words would you use to describe yourself?

mariska slametiani says:

sayang sama ridho.

Friday, September 9, 2011


I SWEAR....get a life bitchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


hi, my relationship was over. I'll keep posting on this site, but not every stories I'll share hehe. Well, ritenow I'm happy cause "it". it what? hehe like I said-_- i dont share everything. thank you for reading <3

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

HAIIII gue lagi di sekolah!

hari ini gue terakhir masuk sekolah sebelum libur awal puasa. itu berarti.....
btw gue lagi di sekolah nih! terus masa gue disuruh buat blog. enaknya buat blog lagi atau pake blog yg laen yeah? wkwk disini isinya curhatan semua.. jadi maloeee wkwk yasudahlah saya lg eteb aja ini komputer. sudah yap bingung mau nulis apeeewkwk tq :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

9th grade

hellaw! gue udah kelas 9 loh! kaget ga kaget ga? kaget ya knp gue naek kelas? gue jg bingung. yaudah deh gue lg males posting tp ditanyain mananih gateway ga update lagi? yaudah deh updatean seadanya.

Btw, lagu ini lg terlintas di pikiran gue. Jadi inget wkt ntn JB's concert wkwk.. Pokoknya lagu ini bikin flying banget kalo mslnya ada yg nyanyiin buat lo. tp agak gombal sih. wkwkwk lagu jb mana ada sih yg ga gwombwallll wakakak.

Justin Bieber - Never Let You Go

They say that hate has been sent
So let loose the talk of love
Before they outlaw the kiss
Baby, give me one last hug

There's a dream that I've been chasing
Want so badly for it to be reality
And when you hold my hand then I understand
That it's meant to be 'cause, baby, when you're with me

It's like an angel came by, oh and took me to heaven
Like you took me to heaven, girl
'Cause when I stare in your eyes it couldn't be better
I don't want you to go, oh no, so

Let the music blast, we gon' do our dance
Bring the doubters on, they don't matter at all
'Cause this life's too long and this love's too strong
So baby, know for sure that I'll never let you go

I got my favorite girl
Not feeling no pain, no fear
Don't have a care in the world
Why would I when you are here?

There's a moment I've been chasing
And I finally caught it out on this floor
Baby, there's no hesitation, no reservation
By taking a chance and more, oh no, because

It's like an angel came by and took me to heaven
[ From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/j/justin-bieber-lyrics/never-let-you-go-lyrics.html ]
Like you took me to heaven, girl
'Cause when I stare in your eyes, it couldn't be better
I don't want you to go, oh no, so

Let the music blast, we gon' do our dance
Bring the doubters on, they don't matter at all
'Cause this life's too long and this love's too strong
So baby, know for sure that I'll never let you go

It's like an angel came by and took me to heaven
Like you took me to heaven, girl
'Cause when I stare in your eyes, it couldn't be better
I don't want you to go, oh no, so

Take my hand, let's just dance
Watch my feet, follow me
Don't be scared, girl, I'm here
If you didn't know, this is love

Let the music blast, we gon' do our dance
Bring the doubters on, they don't matter at all, oh baby
'Cause this life's too long and this love's too strong
So baby, know for sure that I'll never let you go

So don't fear, don't you worry 'bout a thing
I am here, right here, I'll never let you go
Don't shed a tear whenever you need me
I'll be here, I'll never let you go

Oh no, oh no, oh
I'll never let you go
Oh no, oh no, oh
I'll never let you go

hayo... yg lagi baca post ini ngerti gak maksudnya? wkwk

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I don't have a post in April...padahal april itu SERUBWANGEDH


okay, I'm not in the mood for blogging. seeyaa

Monday, March 28, 2011

Not in the mood

well, I'm on my second day for holiday and I feel bore but I enjoy it-_- I don't know why by the way.
Dania called me in the morning, she said she want to go to my house. But I'm sorry cause I'm so sleepy. I'm really sleepy at that moment and I'm not in the good mood today. I'M SORRY DANIAAA!

Yesterday, I went to GI with dita, vito, raka, and sandi. Vito treated us mr. curry and 1 hour for karaoke. It was really fun! I can't stopped laugh when raka sang cindai and some Indonesian songs. HAHAHA. Well, the worst voice is mine-_- I can't stand of singing or music. So, start from april, I'll take a lesson for guitar. 3 years ago, I took a lesson for keyboard and it was working for 2 years. But, I'm still bad for playing keyboard-____- After we got enough for karaoke, I bought haagen dazs (I've treated vito 60% for it) and then we went to gramedia. Raka and dita went home together and sandi follow us to gramed. I bought the sequel of dork diaries and then we left gramed. Sandi bought a starbucks's coffee while me and vito were going to sour sally. After that, we went home together by taxi and vito spilled the yogurt-_- WHAT A WONDERFUL...... We got panic and the yogurt spread in vito's shoes. I and sandi was like "I don't care about your shoes, I care about the yogurt". Fortunately, the taxi driver was really really nice and he helped us to clean the yogurt.

HHHHH, yesterday I was looking for Perfect Blue at the cd stores and there's no one sell it. It's an album by Sungha Jung. I really want it so bad but I don't think the album has been release in Indonesia. If I buy from the web, it would be little difficult. AAAAAA I want his album :"(

I was eating vanilla chocochip with grilled bread when I posted this post. Hmm yummy:) but I've eating A LOTS today:( Ahhh I hate holiday, I can have a lot of additional weights-_- by the way, I've done for the sequel of dorks diaries. THAT'S GREAAAAAT!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dork Diaries

I'm still love Sungha Jung till'this time.
He's really damn cool boy!! He was inspiring me to learn how to play the guitar. Thanks for him! I hope he would be happy because he inspired people (include me) to play the guitar. Watching him on YouTube everyday make me feel better. He's my mood booster wakakak. Wish me luck for the guitar and I hope he'd happy become my idol-_-

GAAAAHH I wish he probably has a concert in Jakarta :(

Well, yesterday I went to GrandIndo and I bought "Dork Diaries" the cover tells about tales from a NOT SO fabulous life. Hahaha uhyeah! The story is about Nikki J. Maxwell. She's a loser in her new middle school. And she had a-mean girl-friend, her name is MacKenzie. The story tells about new school, new mean girl, new crush, and new diary. So you can read that book. That's great book! Perhaps, I'll buy the sequel of dork diaries tomorrow.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Je t'aime

Hey, I just knew my score for this term. Well, not bad. But I should more do exercise and do well in all of the project. I'm little bit lazy for do the exercise that teachers gave it to me.

Now, it's friday and I have 7 days off for school. Because, my senior'll have an exam for a week. Hhhh I don't know it's good or bad news. Good news is I have a holiday. Bad news is I don't know what I'll do in this holiday.
Maybe I'll watch some videos from youtube or browsing internet like I used to during holiday. I wish my friends ask me out or something for this holiday. Perhaps, I'll do the script for drama. My class have to do the drama for bahasa indonesia's project. And I'm the director or sutradara-whatever you call it-_-


I'm tired of being someone who leading all stuff... Maybe not ALL but ALMOST ALL-gue ketua kelas juga asal lo tau dan itu ngeselin. Why they don't pick another guy who want to do this? Argh-_-

Well, I've reading Eiffel... I'm In Love (novel) by Rachmania Arunita (kalo gak salah) that's great book! And the movie was really great! My favorite part is when Adit and Tita in front of the Eiffel Tower and they said "Je t'aime" it means "I Love You" oh gosh, Adit is really romantic guy. And the character of Tita is cute (well, she's really annoying sometimes).


Who's Sungha Jung?

Seongha Jeong (정성하) (colloquially: Sungha Jung) (born September 2, 1996) is a South Korean prodigy guitarist who has risen to fame on YouTubeand other sites, mainly through the South Korean audience.

Seongha typically takes three days to learn and practice a new song, and video-record it for upload onto YouTube.[1] His genre selection is rather broad, as he learns and plays many songs that are playable on guitar, therefore consequently spread across numerous genres.

Seongha has won 13 awards on YouTube, including 6 "#1" awards. Also on YouTube, Seongha has 38 videos with over one million views. Seongha's video with the most views is the "Pirates Of The Caribbean", at 15,319,305 views as of March 21, 2011.

Seongha has composed 18 songs as of February 2011, two of which are featured in his debut album, Perfect Blue.

Lately, Seongha has been performing together with Mr. Big.[1] He is currently on tour with Trace Bundy.

HAHAHAHAHA maaf ye ga gue edit dulu males-_-

So, Sungha's fingerstyle guitarist. He's really cool! And his plays is really awesome! I love when he plays "Grenade" by Bruno Mars. I want to upload the video but it would be take some time. Ha Ha Ha because the video size is quite big. Hmm 85mb. If you want to see this video, you can visit youtube and search "Grenade sungha jung"
So, I'll upload one of his video. He played To Be With You - Mr. Big

Hold on little girl
Show me what he's done to you
Stand up little girl
A broken heart can't be that bad
When it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you

I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you

Build up your confidence
So you can be on top for once
wake up who cares about
Little boys that talk too much
I've seen it all go down
Your game of love was all rained out
So come on baby, come on over
Let me be the one to hold you


Why be alone when we can be together baby
You can make my life worthwhile
And I can make you start to smile

When it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you

Friday, March 18, 2011

Vito's Birthday!

Well, he's nice. But he always shout at me all the time!!!!!! And he is..................freak and..... he's really really annoying! But he still my friend. He lost his girlfriend at 14th February, ugh in Valentine's Day right? And he broke up cause such a tragedy. Hmm infact, his relation life such a tragedy. Oh Vito...... be patient, amigo!

I made this!!

Edited by: Ichaisha and Mariskaslmt

By: Ichaaaaa!!


What the hell is it march?

It's like so long without a post. Yeah suddenly, I woke up from my long long long sleep. Ha ha ha kidding dude! So? What's the matter? Hmm... THERE'S SO MANY PROBLEMS I HAVE IN THIS PERIOD!

Well, 3 weeks ago, I was preparing my paper. It's called karya tulis. My paper is about Midbrain. Yeah It's very difficult to found the references about midbrain in Bahasa cause in Indonesia, midbrain just has knew in the end of 2009. So I went to bookstore to found some books about midbrain.
I have the presentation about my paper one week later. And heeeee I'm very very very so so so "NIAT" for do this project! HAHAHA actually, I'm not the student who love presentation or the projects something like that, but I like to do FULL with MY OWN POWER! So, this is just for me, why don't do this for the best?

Am I selfish? Who doesn't? Everyone wants to be the best if it could happen right? But it should happen with the right way. NO CHEATING!

Well, jauh sebelum gue sidang kartul tepatnya tanggal 11 februari 2011, gue "disadarkan" sama icha tentang sesuatu hal yang membuat gue "agak-agak" gimana gitu sama seseorang. Mungkin lebih tepatnya sih ilfeel kali ya.
Yaaaa buat pake perumpamaan aja misalnya:

A dan B bersahabat baik. Lalu A suka sama C. C suka sama B. Dan A gatau (lebih tepatnya ditipu) sama B. Padahal B udah punya pacar. Dan C juga udah punya pacar. Yaudahlah teenage life memang unpredictable...... Pokoknya secara garis besar intinya begitu. Dan sekarang B ama C jadian dan pacar2 mereka (oiya skrg udh jadi mantan) dan mantan-mantan mereka saling curhat. Terus si A suka nangis-nangis kalo ngeliat B ama C. Dan menurut pengelihatan gue si B cuma merasa bersalah sehari. Setelah itu udah... B doesn't feeling guilty, even the smallest part.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

dear diary 2.3

hallo, I'm sick-_-
flu~ haaaah
pokoknya lagi males posting deh hehehe udh ya ;)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dear Diary 2.2

I'm totally bored of this-fast-holiday. Why? GUE GA NGAPA-NGAPAIN GILA! Yayaya, kemaren sih ke Central park (bukan yg di NYC-_-) tp tetep aja namanya mall, gitugitu juga... Skrg udh jam 10 dan besok the last day of my holiday. Males masuk tapi males jg dirumah ckck udh mana kerjaannya makan mulu lagiii, masa berat gue naik sekilo T_T jahat bgt hiks makanya nih rencananya besok gue mau puasa. Wish me luck aja deh.
Oiya, akhir-akhir ini gue sering baca novel-novel yg mengangkat tema ttg socialite gitu. Gue yang awalnya ga ngerti apaitu socialite skrg jd ngeh gitulah.

a socialite is a person who participates in social activities and spend a significant amount of time entertaining and being entertained at fashionable upper-class events.

Well, bisa kita lihat dari yang diatas adalah pengertiannya dan novel-novel yang gue baca tuh emang seru banget kalo udh mengangkat tema kayak gitu. Entah kenapa gue suka aja bacanya. Banyak hal baru dan biasanya di novel-novel macam itu banyak barang-barang high brand yang rasanya-daripada-gue-beli-itu-mendingan-buat-makan-sebulan. Yah, sebenernya siapasih yang ga kepengen kalo duitnya pas diitung-itung di kalkulator sampe ada tulisan ERROR di monitornya? Tp menurut gue kehidupan socialite sangat-sangat menuntut yg namanya gengsi. Udh gitu mereka tuh kalo mau beli apa jg ga mikir. Seenak jidat mereka gitu uhuy asik sekali....

Di Indo socialite gitu tuh macam The Bakrie lah. Kalo di luar tuh Hilton, Johnson, yaaaa dkk lah. Baca novel kayak gitutuh asik bgt. Kita jd punya gambaran tentang hidup. Bahwa hidup tuh ga cuma apa yang lo jalanin aja. Tapi masih banyak ways of life yg berbeda di luar sana. Jangan mengambil kesimpulan kalo kita belom liat yang lain.

Oke back to novel. I really want to read Sitta Karina's novel: Lukisan Hujan. I never find that book in every Gramed Bookstore! I'm confuse and I decided that I will borrow my friend's-_- Besok enaknya ngapain ya... Bingung nih males ngapa-ngapain tp kalo ngapa-ngapain pasti makan dan pasti nanti berat gue naikkk >.<>

oh ya! I really want to edit my blog. But I don't have a great photo for the tittle of my blog. So nice to have time for blogging haha! See ya!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Dear Diary 2.1

Well, I get 5 days off for school this week. It mean nothing to do during 5 days around. Actually, I'm not School-addict as well. But, if I don't do something important for a few days, it feels like....argghh bored. Really bored. When I was on school, the worst day it would be better if I met friends. But, if at house-_- oh man! you gotta be kidding me! I do nothing! It sucks! I'm so lazy to do something! I don't know why-by the way. Ah, school pretty much better than alone at your home and do nothing.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Dear Diary 1.8

Hai, luv u blogger!
Today is friday. Yeah my favorite day in a week.

I think that word is the best key-expression to describing this day.
I went to Tebet, after photography with Nandita. We were walking around to find the match cloth for her class. Btw, I wore the new t-shirt class for run this morning. and half-of-my-class wore it proudly. I'm so glad of that :)
Anyway, after we visited some factory-outlet at tebet, we found the match cloth for her class in Bloops.
I didn't want to wasted a lot of my time for nothing. So, I bought a shirt-_- Nandita too. She bought the cloth 30s well, i didn't understand what she bought-_-
After 2 hours, we leaved Bloops and we went to 7eleven tebet. I bought small slurpee and she bought tempura seaweed. We talked about everything on the way to my house. She'll wait for her sister in my house. So, we went to my house.
We were browsing for 4 hours. We found out the fact! HaHaHa browsing was very fun! Huahahaks!

The show time at 11.30pm ritenow. I'm so sleepy but I'm so lazy for sleep-_- tomorrow I'll go to somewhere with my friends (I wish). Well, I think too much dreaming isn't good. I won't realize something(maybe important) if I don't want wake up from my long-beautiful dreams. So, wish me luck and wish I can realize the fact! If you don't understand what I mean, you shouldn't to understand. Let it flow and let it go.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dear Diary 1.7

Hell-o, still from mobile right na-na-now
Too many reasons to answer the question wkwk
Well, I like this song (right na-na-now) it was hit over 2 years ago. But it's okay.

The Script - The Man Who Can't Be Move

Going Back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag I'm not gonna move
Got some words on cardboard, got your picture in my hand
Saying, "If you see this girl can you tell her where I am?"

Some try to hand me money, they don't understand
I'm not broke I'm just a broken hearted man
I know it makes no sense but what else can I do
How can I move on when I'm still in love with you

'cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinkin maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on our corner of the street
So I'm not moving, I'm not moving

Policeman says, "Son you can't stay here"
I said, "There's someone I'm waiting for if it's a day, a month, a year"
Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows
If she changes her mind this is the first place she will go

'cause If one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on our corner of the street
So I'm not moving, I'm not moving,
I'm not moving, I'm not moving

People talk about the guy that's waiting on a girl
There are no holes in his shoes but a big hole in his world

Maybe I'll get famous as the man who can't be moved
Maybe you wont mean to but you'll see me on the news
And you'll come running to the corner
'cause you'll know it's just for you
I'm the man who can't be moved

'cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinkin maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on our corner of the street
So I'm not moving, I'm not moving

'cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinkin maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on our corner of the street
So I'm not moving, I'm not moving

Going back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag I'm not gonna move

Hell yeah! I hope someone sing this song for me wakak kidding;)

Dear Diary 1.6

Hai wakakak skrg gue lg blogging di hape. Lewat handphone kechuyunkunku
Btw pgnnya sih ol di laptop, tp males aja gataukenapa-_- skrg masih weekdays jd agak males buat nyante2 huhuhu....

Oiya, weekend kmrn gua ke Citarik. Ada kayak Rafting sama PaintBall.
Yaaa serulaah wkwk. Tp shrsnya gua ikut ke ultahnya ninis. Tp yasudahlah hehe happy birthday niniiiis! Wish you all the best yappp

Nah MONsterDay-_- it's call MONDAY. Yap, suram bgt. Gua bukan pencinta hari senin. Abis macet dimana-mana. Crowded bgt. Hhhh palingmaleslah. Selasa sih fine-fine aja rabu jg oke. Tp kalo udh kamis bawaannya males aja gatau knp T_T apalagi udh jumat wkwk udahdeh itumah heavenday bgttt

Gue bingung mau post apalagi. Sbnrnya adasih gue pgn post ttg orang ganteng tp kayaknya blog bukanlah tempat curhat yang tepat (seharusnya) wkwk jd yasudahlah

Entar kalo udh hari jumat/sabtu gue posting agak banyakan deeeh huahaha see ya!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dear Diary 1.5

I'm so boring right now.
I'm sick-_- (sick of love)
Wakakakak gak lah, flu, headache, yaaa u know lah not in delicious body men...
In Sunday morning, I woke up 8am and very dizzy and sneezed often. I didn't know why, maybe cause the weather in this month very crazy. Morning sunny, Afternoon so hot, and in the evening very rainy. Haaa~

After I had breakfast, I decided to drink Actived. It like medicine for sneezing and headache (but for child-_-). After that, I was so sleepy. And then I fallen sleep.

I woke up 12am and watched MTV. And now I'm browsing-,- what a wonderful sunday-____-
In the plan, I want to share lyrics of my favorite song. But I confuse what my favorite song >.<

So, I deciding I will write my favorite song (for this time)! HaHaHa....-_-

Rocketeer - Far East Movement ft. "One Republic" frontman Ryan Tedder

Here we go, come with me
There's a world out there that we should see
Take my hand, close your eyes
With you right here, I'm a rocketeer

Let's fly (fly,fly,fly,fly)
Up, up here we go, go
Up, up here we go, go
Let's fly (fly,fly,fly,fly)
Up, up here we go, go
Where we stop nobody knows

Where we go, we don't need roads
And where we stop nobody knows
To the stars if you really want it
Got a jetpack with your name on it
Above the clouds and the atmosphere
Say the words and we outta here
Hold my hand if you feeling scared
We're flying up, up outta here

Here we go, come with me
There's a world out there that we should see
Take my hand, close your eyes
With you right here, I'm a rocketeer

Let's fly (fly,fly,fly,fly)
Up, up here we go, go
Up, up here we go, go
Let's fly (fly,fly,fly,fly)
Up, up here we go, go
Where we stop nobody knows

[Kev Nish:]
Baby, we can stay fly like a G6
Shop the streets of Tokyo, get you fly kicks
Girl, your always on my mind
Got my head up in the sky
And I'm never looking down, feeling priceless
Yeah, where we at? only few have known
Were on some next level, super Mario
I hope this works out, cardio
Until then let's fly

Here we go, come with me
There's a world out there that we should see
Take me hand, close your eyes
With you right here, I'm a rocketeer
Let's fly

Yo, now I ain't ever been to space before
But I ain't never seen a face like yours
You make me feel like I can touch the planets
You want the moon girl, watch me grab it
See, I ain't ever seen a star this close
You got me stuck by the way you glow
I'm like oh, oh, oh, oh
I'm like oh, oh, oh, oh

Here we go, come with me
There's a world out there that we should see
Take my hand, close your eyes
With you right here, I'm a rocketeer

Let's fly (fly,fly,fly,fly)
Up, up here we go, go
Up, up here we go, go
Let's fly (fly,fly,fly,fly)
Up, up here we go, go
Where we stop nobody knows

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Dear Diary 1.4

The weather in this morning was quite sunny, even tough in the afternoon was raining.
When I woke up at 8am, I checked timeline on my Twitter and discovered something hurts....
I like a boy-_- he's ugly (my friends said that-,-) but, I don't know why. I like him.

BUT, he likes someone else and I know who she is.

And he tweeted something made me like shit-_- Gue udah coba buat move on tp lo taulah move on itu ga segampang make sendal. Hari Jumat gue jg udh nyoba buat ga face-to-face ama dia and IT WORKS! tapi ya tetep aja susah. Oke no boy no cry, let's start next week with big smile on our face:)

HAAA-_- Ya kenapa gue suka ama cowok itu? Gatau kenapa. Kalo gue ceritain disini entar pada tau dong gue suka ama siapa :p jadi biarlah itu menjadi rahasia gue-dan-teman-teman-terdekat-gua. Mungkin emang biasa banget gue suka ama cowok dan cowok itu suka ama orang lain. Itu biasa banget-_- dan gue biasa karena udah biasa kayak gini. Jadi yasudahlah maybe not this time and not this guy hahaha santai saja kawan=) Tp, emang bener


Jadi yaudahlah let it flow-_-
Oiya hari ini gue bosen banget parah esumpah....... Gak kemana-mana sedih bgt ya hiks pdhl hari ini hari Sabtu men... SABTU... SATURDAY.... Tp emang jadi SADturday and also SUCKturday -_- bosen nih tp semoga aja entar malem jadi ke MOI. Btw mau ngapain ya di moi? Hmm, gue maen kodok locat aja deh (baca:maenan kyk hysteria2an tp buat anak kecilnya) trs sekalian ke Gramed deh mau nyari Lukisan Hujan.

Oh ya! Yesterday, I was celebrate my parents 15th Anniversary! And it was nelsa's parents too;) I bought a Cheese Cake for my parents. And they shocked =D hihihi

And I was celebrate Dania&Uni's Birthday 3 days ago;) It was fun! I hope I've a surprise on my birthday! HAHAHAKS.... Skrg gue lagi nge upload foto nya nih di fb. Pada rewel pengen di upload ckck. Di jaman serba teknologi kayak sekarang, facebook bisa dipakai untuk album berjalan dan kalo kita mau find people, kita tinggal search aja namanya. Lagian jaman skrg, who the hell don't have a facebook? ya emang ada sih tapi kan itu 1:sejuta bgt-_-

When I'm writing this page, I'm listening song of Cee Lo Green - Forget You. And my bbm is "tririiing!!" wakakak siapa ya? Ah paling bm doang cuih. Btw lagunya Cee Lo Green yg Forget You ini asik deh hahaha jadi tuh gue nonton video clip nya di MTV, dia tuh dari kecil naksir sama cewek itu, tapi cewek itu ga suka ama dia karena dia gak kaya. Trs cewek yg ditaksir itu pacaran sama temennya yang lebih kaya. Nah terus begitu ampe dia udh adult gtlah. Si Cee Lo nya jadi billionaire ceweknya jadi pembantu wkwk trs Cee Lo nya kayak bales dendam gitu wkwk kocak aja liatnya hakhakhaks.

Well, ngupload foto lama jg-_- biasanya gue pake flock. tp skrg lagi ol di laptop dan pake flock yg baru. And ga ada fitur buat nge-upload nya! Ukhhh...damnit...

Okay, thanks for reading amigos-_-

Friday, January 14, 2011

Dear Diary 1.3

Hai people, I love u ;)
Today is Friday. My favorite day in a week.
End of study at school for a week,
Class dismiss when 11am,
Run together in the morning,

What the hell what's going on? Why why why?

In the MORNING, I woke up and it was 6 jerk! SIX-6-ENAM and my maid made a BIGGEST MISTAKE. SHE PUT AWAY MY SCHOOL BOOKS (that should I brought) IN THE BOOKSHELF. Well, maybe you think it's little mistake. But, I'm so so so in bad mood-_- I can't think clearly what should I do at that time.

I woke up late, I should re-prepare my book, and It's should done in 15minutes.

Well, I arrived at school at 06.28am. It's so closeeee, fiuh I think "Thank God I Survived" but, I forgot to brought my handphone! What the hell, I was so boring until school-end. I just listen some jokes from my friends, and did the exercise. Oh ya! When I just arrived at my class, my friends who-at-there were looking at me because I'm not came with big smile as usual. Until school-end, my face sullen and just smile sometimes. After school-end, I should attend extracurricular, Photography. But, It started 1pm, so I watched 4bhia on projector with my friends.

Well, I'm not in the mood for blogging now. But, maybe nextime I'll be back with longer posts. Thanks for read

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fellas 1.1

Hello amigo! Well, skrg gue bakal nyeritain temen deket gue di SMP. Namanya Dita (pasaran ya namanya-_-), Nandita Mirhanty.

WAKAKAKA CANTIKAN? Gakdeng itu foto dia tp gue yg ngedit, maaf kalo rada killer. Dita ini anaknya pendiam. Gue kenal dia dr kelas 7 awal-awal. Gue ganyangka aja bisa deket ama dia ampe skrg.

Awalnya pas gue baru masuk kelas 7 gue ngeliat muka dia yg

Well, 1 term gue kenal ama dia kita ga begitu deket. Tp pas mau masuk term ke 2 di semester 1, kita udh deket karena body kita hampir mirip dan napsu makan kita mirip. Btw jalan pikiran dia ama gue kadang ga beda jauh (kadang)-___- stlh gue kenal ama dia ternyata anaknya asik walaupun diem-_- ga banyak ngomong (iya itu pendiem ya-,-),
makan kayak bernapas, males (ini chemistry gue ama doi), dan dia asik diajak ngomong karena pikiran gue ama dia ga beda jauh.

Dia sering di diskriminasi ama Vito gara-gara lahirnya Agustus '97. Itu berarti kalo kita 12 dia masih 13. Dan baru ultahnya kelas selanjutnya. Agak sedih sih ya tapi deritaloe dit WAKAKAKA gagitu-_-

Anaknya cuek. Kalo makan perlahan tapi pasti. Terus apa lagi ya-_- hmm gue bingung mendeskripsikannya. Mending kalo mau liat add aja fbnya Nandita Mirhanty sm follow Twitternya @ditadta. Ini biodata singkat (biodata semampu gue) yg gue rasa cukup untuk mendeskripsikan sifatnya.

Oiya, Dita tuh tajir sekaleee!! Pokoknya W-O-W dech! Dia pake behel gara-gara gigi atasnya mundur-_-

Nama: Nandita Mirhanty
Panggilan: Dita
Kelas: 7A, 8A
Umur: Jalan 14. Skrg masih 13 lebih beberapa bulan
Tpt, tgl lahir: Jakarta, 22 Agustus '97
Berat Badan: Rahasia perusahaan
Tinggi Badan: Gue gatau deh 0.0
Pekerjaan: Omnivora dan Pelajar
Nama bapak: Om Handoko
Nama ibu: Tante Mirna
Nama kakak: Kak Nitha
Nama adik: Yudhis
SD: hmm dia selalu bilang "sebelah 81" jadi gue lupa nama sdnya-_-
SMP: Labschhool JKT
FB: Nandita Mirhanty
Fme: ditak --> ini yg selalu buat ngakak
Twttr: Ditadta
Blog: setau gue dia gapunya deh
Hobi: Makan, tidur, males-malesan, maen wii
No. tlp: tanya dewek
PIN: 2097CD5E (wee gue apal loh)
MSN: nmirhanty.htm
Plurk: godita
Angka keberuntungan: 7 (menurut dia=.=)
Makanan faforit: hal yang bisa dimakan
Minumann faforit: hal yang bisa diminum
Jajanan faforit: Nasi goreng kantin deket 7f pake telor+nugget 3 biji
Cemilan faforit: dimsum/siomay/batagor/mie ayam/bakso/bakwan
Artis Pujaan: semua cowok bule yang ganteng
Minus kacamata: 7
Plus kacamata: -
Silinder kacamata: 3
Motto Hidup: "Makanlah Sebelum Makan Itu Dilarang"
Cita-cita: Ibu rumah tangga yang menghamburkan uang \m/

See u next post amigo!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Dear Diary 1.2

Hai hai fellas! Makasih bgt udh mau menyempatkan kalian buat baca blog gapenting ini.
Well, skrg hari minggu dan kemarin hari sabtu. Gue bakal posting apasajayang gue lakukan 2 hari suram itu.

i woke up it was 8 and TRALAAA~
Ada nyokap men dirumah men!! Biasanya nyokap ini sibuk sekali sama pekerjaannya. Hari sabtu aje msh masuk coy kewl \m/ love u mom!
Nyokap ada di rumah karena mau ngambil rapot adek gue. Adek gue udh kls 6 tp yagitudeh akademiknya kurang (baca: gak pinter) jadinya kita semua akan heboh rusuh buat nyari SMP dia dimana. Abis nyokap gak yakin kalo dia jg masuk Labschool kayak gue. Jadinya yaa taudeh dia bakal SMP dmn.
Siangnya sodara gue dr Serang,Banten dateng. Nah gatau kenapa nyokap agak suram pengen nonton Kabayan Jadi Miliyuner. So, gue nyari-nyari bioskop yang msh ada Kabayannya. Otomatis film indo gitu biasanya ada di 21. Bukan XXI atau Blitz, jadinya gue browsing ke 21cineplex buat nyari schedule nya.
Alhasil gue ketemu di Metropol, atau Megaria kalo nama bekennya. Yaudah deh, berhubung gue gatertarik nonton Kabayan, gue nyari-nyari film laen di Metropol. DAN YANG GUE SESALI ADALAH KENAPA GUE PILIH FILM ITU.....

"Love In Perth"

YaTuhan saya sangat menyesal :"(
The Tourist gue udh nonton, Buried katanya jelek, trs sisanya film indo yg makin gaje.
Yaudah secara gue korban iklan (kan di jalan tol banyak tuh "love in perth" "love in perth" jadinya gue penasaran.....
Well, gue nonton sendirian dan itu biasa banget buat gue. Padahal temen2 gue selalu menanggap "nonton sendirian" itu kayak weirdest thing ever. Pdhl gak juga, kalo nonton rame-rame jg kita bakal mengabaikan teman kita. Atau gue emang anak kuper yang gak suka keramaian ya? Ah gatau deh biar lo aja yg menilai.

Nah pas theater nya dibuka, gua masuk deh, dan gue duduk diantara 2 pasang orang (yg menurut gue) lagi pacaran. Nah, theater nya sepi tuh eh pas udh mulai gitu filmnya ada anak (yg menurut gue jg) kelas 4-5 sd dateng sebaris dibawah tempat gue nonton. SUMPAHYA............MEREKA RIBUT BANGEEET ya maklum lah anak-anak belum puber seperti mereka flying liat muka Derby dan Petra (EHANJIR MEREKA GUANTENG~~ )
Yayaya btw gue baru tau ada popcorn merk XXI dijual gocengan saat di dalam theater, najis gua kaget kan, dalem hati: "buset kayaknya ini bekas kemaren atau udh di goreng 5x deh" dan akhirnya gue beli itu jg-___- abis murah sih kan jarang-jarang!!

Yah lo tau lah lo akan nyesel kalo nonton film indo-_- makanya filmnya alur mudah ketebak, trs gaya "gaul" nya masih terlihat "alay" di mata gue. Jadinya gue bukannya terharu nonton itu malah ngakak.

Abis drsitu gue males ke rumah eyang gue (baca: cucu durhaka). Alhasil mendingan gue ke Arion ke toko gunung agungnya. Sbnrnya gue udh lama bgt ga ke Arion pdhl guling-guling dr kamar jg udh nyampe. Gatau knp msh lbh sering ke Gading drpd ke Arion. Tapi yaudahlah ga penting-_-

Gue ini anak NERD.
Gue suka baca novel, sama baca komik. Ga banget kalo buku pelajaran.
Antara baca novel sama baca komik, gue moody-an kalo bacanya. Kadang pengen baca novel, kadang pengen baca komik. Tp skrg gue lg pgn baca novel.
Sbnrnya dr kmrn gue udh baca ulang novel yg gue punya. Karena bosen, jadinya gue memutuskan beli novel pdhl gue gamau ngeluarin duit banyak. Gue beli novel Moonlight apa gitu lupa-_- and u know wha? gue nyampe rumah jam 7an trs lgsg baca novelnya ampe jam stgh 10 dan novelnya ber- bad ending.
Jujur, gue gak begitu suka novelnya karena bad ending. Tp kalo gue jadi tokoh si Alrin, gue jg gatau harus ngapain. Well, mungkin itu yg terbaik buat dia.

Oiya, sblm pulang gue mampir ke Groceries di dkt rumah buat beli kado buat Dania! Tgl 9 Januari dia ultah (yaitu hari ini) makanya gue beliin dia kado. Maaf ya dan kadonya jelek >.<
Gue beliin dia boneka kodok karena kodok itu jarang-_- gue suka sesuatu yg beda. Trs jam 11an gue belom ngantuk dan malah foto-foto-_- mau liat foto2nya? Sumpah ini semua cacat. Well, gue suka sesuatu yang beda. Wehehehe;p entar aja ya kalo udh gue edit wkwk


Nah berhubung gue tidur jam 1 (buat ngucapin ultah ama Dania jam 12 malem), jadilah gua bangun jam stgh 10. Dan pas bangun nyokap masuk dan mengamati kuping gue yg ga ada anting nya-_-

Nyokap: "Anting kamu kmn chik?"
Gue: "Ada tuh tp patah sebelah, udh 2 tahun-_-"
Nyokap: "WEEEE TAKUTNYA NUTUPP!! Entar kamu ke Arion deh Tante Yanti, mama mau kondangan"
Gue: (yes beli buku lagi!) "oh oke, ngapain?"
Nyokap: "beli anting laaaaaah"
Gue: "hppff........"

Nah gue jam 12an ke Arion tuh ama tante gue terchuyunk, etapi pas gue udah beli, cuma kepasang sebelah garagara lobang yg sebelah lagi hampir mau nutup. Jadinya gue cuma pake sebelah anting deh....

Trs gue ke Gunung Agung lg buat beli "Putri Hujan & Ksatria Malam" pengennya sih di baca, tp gue belom baca "Lukisan Hujan" drpd entar ganyambung, mending keep on segel dulu deh tuh buku.

Abis beli buku, gue ke salon langganan tante gue. Pertamax nih gue kesono. Jadinya pas rambut gue diurus, gue keinget sama lagunya Justin Bieber yg "Pray"

I close my eyes,
And I pray....

Yaaa hasilnya gajelek-jelek amat lah. Kalopun jelek, karena gue gasuka rambut gue dipotong hehe:p

Nah abis dr salon gue ke Groceries lagi buat beliin boneka buat adek sepupu gue yg lagi sakit :( GWRS Kayla cantikkk.

Hmm, skrg gue lagi mau siap-siap mau ke Gading, semoga gue dibeliin sesuatu yg bermanfaat amin! Thanks for reading fellas!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Dear Diary 1.1

halo cing, skrg udh 2011 loh dan gue baru seminggu masuk sekolah setelah libur 2 minggu. Dan sumpah libur itu HEAVEN bgt aAaAaAaAa~~ pgn libur lagi jadinya tp ya msh lama sih huhu lagian di sekolah kita jg bs nemuin hal-hal seru. Pas libur gue kangen sekolah sih tp gak kangen belajarnya T_T

Pas taun baru gue ke LaPiazza, disitu ada RAN dan band-band lainnya. Ada jg finallis IMB yg ga gue idolakan. Jadi buat seru-seruan aja. Trnyt jg banyak temen-temen gue yg kesono pas malem taun baru.

Liburan gue juga ga kemana-mana. Cuma muter-muter Jakarta doang palingan abisnya ada sepupu gue dr Manado trs mereka pada liburan disini. Jadinya gue temenin deh~.~ notbad lah tp ya tetep aja suka kadang bosen dirumah. Tp gue ini cenderung anak yg suka di rumah (baca: anak rumahan; kuper) tp ga semua anak rumahan kuper. Tapi gue adalah salahsatu anak rumahan yang kuper-__-

Dirumah ngapain? Ya ngapainkek browsing ini itu, baca buku, nonton TV, yaa masih banyak hal yang jarang gue lakukan saat hari sekolah dan akhirnya bisa gue kerjakan pas liburan. Contohnya ngedit blog ini. Blog inikan udah lamabuanget gak gue update, makanya setelah cari waktu enak sbnrnya sih pgnnya pas liburan kemaren, cuma males banget kebanyakan acara keluarga yang menuntut gue untuk keluar rumah. Alhasil bisanya hari ini buat ngedit dan blablabla. Nah, gue jg suka baca buku. Tp kea novel-novel teenlit agak-gak-guna-emang tp buat refreshing aja. Kalo komik mah gausah ditanya, DEMEN BANGET GUE AMA KOMIK AAAAAAAA.

Novel faforit gue saat ini adalah Titanium (atau semua Hanafiah's Story gue jg suka kok) menurut gue Titanium kisahnya keren, gabosen dibaca, ngegemesin, trs cerita cewek jg. Kadang gue suka mikir "do what you like". Jaman skrg banyak tekanan, contohnya buat ngikutin pergaulan misalnya kita suka ama lagu A tp karena temen-temen kita gak suka kita jd ikut-ikutan buat mencoba gak suka sama lagu itu. Tp gak semua orang kayak gitu kok, nah gue akan mencoba untuk tidak menjadi seperti itu. Kadang jg karena rasa malu atau gengsi juga bisa kaliya. Btw gue bilang gitu bukan buat nyindir loh *no offense* cuma pengen curhat aja. Btw alasan gue milih blogspot drpd tumblr karena apa ya? gue jg gatau. Mungkin menurut gue tumblr walaupun lagi IN skrg tp agak malesin karena terlalu banyak untuk diurus.

Oiya balik lagi ke novel Titanium. Itu karya nya Sitta Karina. Novel-novelnya dia bagus-bagus loh jadi bagi yang suka baca novel dalam negri mending baca novel-novelnya dia hahaha.

Titanium ini salah satu cerita ttg keluarga Hanafiah. Jadi keluarga itu tuh istilahnya Bakrie lah kalo di realworld nya. Dia tuh konglomerat tajir bgt dan kisah-kisah Hanafiah menceritakan kisah "cinta" (oke agak geli jg bilangnya-_-) sepupu-sepupu mereka. Nah Titanium ini salah satunya, novel ini menceritakan tentang Austin Taura Hanafiah sm Romijin-Indira Singgih. Menurut gue sih novelnya bagusbgt karena gabosen dibaca (oiya gue udh bilang ya-_-) yaa kalo mau tau ttg sinopsis sm novel-novelnya, liat-liat aja di sittakarina.com

Nonton TV.......................hmm sbnrnya gue agak males kalo ga kepepet-kepepet banget ya hahaha, abisnya gatau mau nonton apa sih jadi agak bingung.

HHHHH, kalo ngmgin aktivitas liburan jd pengen liburan lagi nih, abisnya kalo masuk sekolah kepikirannya udh nilai-nilai-nilai-nilai. Kenapa saya begitu melihat nilai? Karena gossipnya kalo mau masuk SMA rapot kita dilihat juga. Adooh malesin banget deh. Jd kalo mau dpt SMA yg bagus hrs ningkatin nilai di rapot jg. Rasanya stress bgt kalo ngeliat tugas-tugas sm ulangan yang ga berenti. Mana ga ada event berarti lagi nih-_- paling Inlabs dan gue gaikut basket jadinya gue bakal "nyampah".

Hmm, mungkin gue jarang posting karena kesibukan gue (ea) atau gatau mau ngepost apa. Tp kalo gue ga cerita gitu rasanya belom puas. Kan manusia makhluk sosial. Mariska makhluk sosial yang membutuhkan orang lain. Jadi gue ga bs hidup sendirian tanpa membutuhkan siapa-siapa. Btw, skrg gue udh kelas 8 yaaa lumayan lah kelasnya notbad. Dan gue sebagai KETUAKELAS(lagi) and it's sucks man! Kenapa sih ga milih pemimpin yg cowok aja? gue juga ga nyalonin diri kan. AH udh ah malesbgt kalo bahas masalah ini, udh mana wali kelas gue agak batu jadi yasudahlah. Sabar saja ya bawahan-bawahanku pasti gue suruh terus kalian HA HA HA HA (ketawa jahat).

Hmm, jd pengen beli buku lagi nih. Tp buku mahal trs takutnya isinya jelek jadi ya mulai skrg gue akan lebih berfikir buat beli buku. Hmm intinya gue akan belajar berhemat lah hahaha.

Pdhl gue pgn sharing ke blog ttg banyak hal lagi. Tp melihat skrg kayaknya udh ga ada privacy lagi ya jd entahlah manusia skrg jg suka susah dipercaya dan buat nulis diary-diaryan gua males bgt. Tp kadang kita jg butuh cerita jadi entahlah banyak hal yg belom gue ngerti-_-